Frequently Asked Questions

Below, we answer some of the most common questions about Dressember. Don't see your question answered below? We'd love to hear from you.


+ Is my donation tax-deductible?

Dressember has partnered with IJM Canada to provide tax receipts to Canadian supporters who make donations through the Dressember Canada platform. Donations made are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by Canadian law.

+ What do I do if I receive cash or cheque donations?

If you are collecting cheques, please have them made out to IJM Canada, and mail them together by the end of December. It is essential that these are postmarked by December 31st at the latest in order for the donation to be tax deductible for the fiscal year. Cheques received in January will count as a contribution in the next fiscal yearn. Make sure you include your full name as you are registered on the campaign site, or your Dressember Team name, if applicable.

Please mail cheques to:

International Justice Mission Canada PO Box 336, Station B London, ON N6A 4W1

If you receive cash donations, you can also mail us a cheque for the amount of the cash and let us know the campaign page to receive credit. We will also need the names & full addresses of donors to allow us to send the donor a contribution receipt. Since our online system receipts automatically, it is not possible to receive these cash donations online using your credit card.

+ How does Dressember raise money, and where does the money go?

Dressember participants help spread awareness about a world issue by committing to the challenge of wearing dresses all month. All month, those who participate spread the word about what they're doing and why, compelling many others in their lives to contribute to the cause by making a monetary contribution. Dressember Canada partners exclusively with IJM Canada in their work to support victims and survivors worldwide.

+ Do skirts count?

You can wear skirts, but only over dresses. It's not called Skirtember, folks.

+ My job requires that I wear pants.

You can wear pants when you need to — as with a job that requires pants, or when you're working out, cleaning, or sleeping. Wear a dress when you get to choose what to wear.

+ I only have a few dresses. Should I go out and buy a bunch more?

No. We encourage you to be creative! Consider sharing dresses with a friend/roommate/sister, or take the challenge of wearing the same dress all month! If you feel you must buy more clothing, we encourage you to shop second hand, or use our Ethical Directory to explore ethically made options.

+ I'd love to participate, but it's really cold in December where I live.

Believe it or not, many people in colder regions like Montreal, Chicago, Scotland, and even Alaska have participated in Dressember — and loved it. There are some helpful loopholes — like wearing pants under dresses, fleece-lined tights, lots of layers — and most importantly, enthusiasm for the cause- that can help you survive the bitter cold. We also suspect that those of you in colder areas can have the biggest impact in raise awareness and support, since it is such a jarring challenge to undertake! Consider this powerful statement from a participant in Ontario: "A dress everyday for 31 days during a Canadian winter is a minor discomfort compared to that of so many affected by slavery and sexual exploitation. I hope, if nothing else, to raise awareness of this dark reality that is still very present in our world, our country, our city."

+ I hate dresses. Is there another way I can help?

Yes. Spread the word in your community and encourage others to join in. You can also make a donation to the campaign or to a specific participant. If you're on the fence about joining, though, might we tempt you by pointing out that some of the most amazing stories and testimonials come from those who decided to participate in spite of hating dresses? We love the notion of doing one thing that scares you every day; maybe Dressember could challenge you in a new and beautiful way. Here's where you can learn more about why we wear dresses during Dressember.

+ Interested in being part of our Ethical Fashion Directory?

Submit your brand here.

+ Are you interested in selling a product and donating a percentage of sales to Dressember?

We appreciate that you want to share a portion of your product sales with Dressember. If you want to advertise in your product listing or blog on on social media that all/part of your product sales will go to Dressember, you are creating something called a Commercial Co-Venture (CCV). CCVs are regulated by states, though, so there are some rules we all need to follow.If you are interested in a CCV, submit your request here.

If you want to keep things simple, you can sell whatever you want and donate all/part of the sales to Dressember, but do not mention in any communications (product listing, blog, social media, etc) that a portion of your sales will go to Dressember. Simply make the donation to Dressember on your own behind the scenes.

+ Isn't it the responsibility of government to address social issues like human trafficking?

Slavery is illegal in all countries, but not enforced in all countries. Perpetrators are not punished in many countries, leading to perpetuation of exploitation with impunity. Slavery is rampant in many countries where, because they see economic profit from the industry, government leaders turn a blind eye. We therefore have the challenge of not only seeking change in our own countries, but also abroad. Our grant partners have been working tirelessly for years to free those who are trapped in slavery in countries whose legal systems offer little chance of liberation. Learn more about our partnerships and impact here.